Mental Health Policy Expert Tells Texas Senate: School-Based Universal Mental Health Programs Are Ineffective
Says schools dealing with historically low academic achievement should, in effect, leave it up to the actual mental health professionals
MTSS (multi-tiered system of support) is coming to Nebraska. It aims to do "preventative" mental health care for students in school. Every. Student.
At best it is ineffective, at worst it is harmful. It is the expensive shiny new toy in the education cartel toy box. School boards and superintendents-just say no.
Says this expert: Schools doing mental health care is no more effective than mental health clinics doing education. That should be obvious. A good rule of thumb to follow is that if someone wants to give a school grant money, they always have an agenda, or a constituency that will make way more money than the grant is worth. Nothing is free. -
This week the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services held a hearing on the state of child mental health. Manhattan Institute’s data scientist and policy analyst Carolyn Gorman was joined by the CEO of a Texas-sized large mental health clinic organization (middle), and a medical doctor from the University of Texas (right) who runs a teleheal…
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